Monday, August 22, 2011

Why I do what I do...

After an early AM surf session, in glassy minimal surf and clear water I came back to my deluge of emails and came upon this link which kinda explains why I'm so passionate about saving my playground and constantly adjusting the course of our businesses to help achieve those goals. The quote goes....

An old man walked up a shore littered with thousands of starfish, beached and dying after a storm.
A young man was picking them up and flinging them back into the ocean.
“Why do you bother?” the old man scoffed, “You’re not saving enough to make a difference.”
The young man picked up another starfish and sent it spinning back to the water.
“Made a difference to that one.” he said

I think that sums us up... I been asked on numerous occasions how our business divisions interelate and without giving the whole game away I guess an explanation is due so our clientele new and old get a better understanding of "how we tick" and why... good blogging fodder me thinks.

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