Saturday, August 6, 2011

DoE Announces Philips Lighting North America as Winner of L Prize Competition

My take: I've used a variety of LED's many not so good and a few which a very good. Does anyone have an in-depth breakout of the performance, true color, true lumens and real life? I've found these to be the biggest issues.
Since using my emonitor equipment though to monitor circuit usage its amazing the reduction of energy usage and in most cases I prefer the light of the LED's, the lack of heat generation has our A/C sighing in relief in the hot weather. Plus despite the cost of the bulbs (I still wish they'd drop in price even faster) the savings soon become readily apparent

the article....
The U.S. Department of Energy today announced that Philips Lighting North America has won the 60-watt replacement bulb category of the Bright Tomorrow Lighting Prize (L Prize) competition. The Department of Energy's L Prize challenged the lighting industry to develop high performance, energy-saving replacements for conventional light bulbs that will save American consumers and businesses money.
Submitted in 2009, the Philips LED bulb successfully completed 18 months of intensive field, lab, and product testing to meet the rigorous requirements of the L Prize competition – ensuring that performance, quality, lifetime, cost, and availability meet expectations for widespread adoption and mass manufacturing. If every 60-watt incandescent bulb in the U.S. was replaced with the 10-watt L Prize winner, the nation would save about 35 terawatt-hours of electricity or $3.9 billion in one year and avoid 20 million metric tons of carbon emissions.
Full story

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