Friday, January 20, 2012

More Red Tide and Nutrient Load for Florida? HB 421

I find it pretty "mind-boggling" that under consideration are potential changes to allow for an increase of nutrients into the water-ways of Florida after what we have had to endure with the likes of the BP disaster and the effects on tourism, fishing and sports fishing industry etc, etc.

After all of the extensive pro-active measures that Sarasota County implemented; Florida on a State level is actually considering removing the local ability to address these issues, then I guess as we have to remedy the ramifications on a local basis and get landed with the costs too.

Do we really need to take a chance of exasperating the situation let alone the remedial costs incurred by a severe out break of Red Tide or waterway pollution, be it travel industry or on a local basis? The incalculable cost to wild life and health associated to polluted algae laden waters. What I'm I missing here? Common sense?

Article below...

House committee delays vote on fertilizer bill amid questions, opposition | The Florida Current

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