Thursday, October 6, 2011

Size matters! QR code that is

Home Office
Home Office brief:   on another note after seeing the worlds largest  QR code. Did ever scan that code that links to nowhere? Earlier this year I was at a Trade Show where a manufacturer with an impressive and albeit a very expensive booth had integrated a large number of QR code displays.

Slight problem though QR code didn't launch to any URL! Kinda defeats the purpose do you think?

Its also a missed opportunity to have QR code campaign on print or digital format that doesn't have any form of metrics. So how are you going to know how well that program of yours really worked, let alone eliminate the waste and fine-tune the next campaign with some segmentation?

How about size? Will everyones Reader read the code? 1.25" x 1.25" should be the minimum. Smaller sizes can work but why take the chance?

One other tip... get that preproduction proof to ensure the code even works, then before you go to production.... ensure the manufacturer has tested the imprinted code.

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