Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sarasota Salvage, Ringling College of Art Charities Event

The first event of a series of 6 Philanthropic Charity Events by Sarasota Architectural Salvage benefiting Ringling College of Art and Design.
an add note too... the articles for Social Media Marketing, Philanthropy Marketing, Eco Marketing and Promotional Products will be moving to our Allard PPC Be•spoke blog going "live" late during the week.
Our Green, Eco, Coastal Restoration, Red Tide issues etc will stay on this Blogger blog. Some articles of course will cross the dividing line. Give me feedback as we go along....

A small sampling

Early arrival, packed later
These events are FUN :) and a great networking opportunity. It's a chance to catch up on those faces you haven't seen for a while whilst browsing the eclectic mix of salvaged items suitable for re purposing which many of the local designers do. Its really interesting to hear their ideas and concepts when they see an article to be part of the design process for their clients. Of course you go shopping too!

Allard PPC was one of the sponsors and we managed to secure one of the first of the corporate sponsors for the December 8th event with the proceeds going to the non profit for the Child Protection Center we're also in the process of helping with social media marketing energizing corporate sponsorship and donations particularly when is already tied into charities they have or would like to support and tie in with their own strategic core beliefs. CSR at its best. For further information on future events GO HERE

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