Sunday, May 29, 2011

DwellGreen - eMonitor install round one

So OK it's the holidays, I was just in the right mood and had the motivation to attack prepping for the eMonitor install myself. The DwellGreen guys did recommend a professional install by an electrician, but I wanted to hard wire the unit (it's not WiFi enabled) taking advantage of the Cat5 I had run throughout the house years ago. All I had to run a new connection to the router... Simpler said than done.

If I were to do this again I'd just have their Ethernet Bridge instead, but I would think future eMonitors would be WiFi enabled, it just makes sense.

Next... On plug outlets, I was sadly lacking in the install vicinity so I took this up to four plug outlets instead of the one. Even that wasn't enough being that the power blocks are always oversized, go figure! So by the time I'd the irrigation timer, Verizon Fios and eMonitor blocks wedged in it looked like Mission Control.

OK, off with the Electrical Circuit Breaker Panel to see how I'm doing for space for the sensors. Why? I already have a Transfer Switch set up for my Generator so basically I already have two set of wires now I'm adding another set! Cont'd

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