Friday, December 18, 2009

Latest Red Tide status

Latest Red Tide status from FWC: SOUTHWEST COAST

Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Pinellas, Charlotte, Lee and Collier counties or offshore of Pinellas County and the Florida Keys (Monroe County). Two samples (out of 8 total samples) collected alongshore of Manatee County contained background concentrations of K. brevis.

Samples collected alongshore and offshore of Sarasota County contained patchy concentrations of K. brevis ranging from not present to medium. Samples collected inside of the Sarasota Bay System contained concentrations ranging from not present to very low.

Bloom Boundary (alongshore): A patchy bloom of Karenia brevis has been detected alongshore and offshore of Sarasota County as well as inside of the Sarasota Bay System.

Red Tide returns... good grief!

to say that I’ve been a bit remiss in keeping my blog up-to-date would be an understatement to say the least but given the recession and steering through recessionary waters (no pun intended) has of course been an almost all time consuming affair. Still though a great deal of good things going on and my on going passion the Ocean to play on and keep in as pristine condition as possible.

On that note whilst Paddle Surfing last week the water clarity on Nokomis Beach was not the best as I had seen in awhile and there was a bit of the ‘fishy’ smell to-boot in a few area’s... mmmmm Red Tide? So low-and-behold it’s back at Nokomis Beach, also an article announcing its return in the Sarasota Herald... By Kate Spinner Published: Friday, December 18, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.

A red tide bloom that is strong enough to cause fish kills and coughing among beachgoers has been detected off the coast of Sarasota County near Nokomis beach.

Boaters, beachgoers and lifeguards have yet to spot any fish kills or report respiratory irritation, but the Sarasota County Health Department issued an advisory on the bloom Thursday.

On Dec 4th FWC gave the first inkling...SOUTHWEST COAST

Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Pinellas, Manatee, Lee or Collier counties or offshore of the Florida Keys (Monroe County). Three samples collected this week alongshore of Sarasota County (out of 27 total samples) and one sample collected alongshore of Charlotte County contained background concentrations of K. brevis.

Well we’ve had more rain and the occasional raw sewage turning up at the Jetties doesn’t help much either... 2010 mission?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Water status

AM Paddle Surf... Crystal clear water again, turbidity has diminished greatly in the last week. Nirvana! Life Guard reported seeing a Manatee.

Oct 9th Red Tide status is:

Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Manatee, Lee and Collier counties or offshore of Hillsborough, Sarasota, Charlotte and Monroe counties. A sample collected alongshore of Mullet Key (Pinellas County) and a sample collected offshore of Manatee County contained very low concentrations of K. brevis. One sample collected alongshore of Longboat Key, inside of Sarasota Bay (Sarasota County) and one sample collected at Gasparilla Fishing Pier (Charlotte County) also contained very low concentrations of K. brevis. A research cruise currently being conducted offshore of southwest Florida has detected levels of K. brevis ranging from background to low concentrations offshore of Lee and Collier counties, west and south of Sanibel Island. Discolored water alongshore of Redington Beach (Pinellas County) is due to a bloom of the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum. No impacts have been reported from this bloom.
Visit for the Florida Red Tide Current Status Report and select the statewide summary or a region of interest for more information and sampling details.

Seagrass Survey Program Awards

Yesterday I enjoyed participating in the recognition of the work of Sea Grass Survey monitoring team at Sarasota County offices. Several of the commissioners were there including Jon Thaxton, Shannon Staub, Joe Barbetta and County Administrator Jim Ley all confirming their support of Sea Grass monitoring and other valuable volunteer programs in Sarasota County. Another example of what good positive partnerships can do for the community.
The next winter survey takes place in February if I remember correctly and I'll post the info as soon as I receive it. If you want to learn about sea grasses, marine life and the watershed, AND socialize and have a good time put it down on your to-do calendar.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Summer dead zones off Oregon coast here to stay, OSU researchers say

After another recent trip to Oregon and doing some 'crabbing' too in an undisclosed location (of course). I always watch to see any changes in the local watersheds and ocean. Here's the latest from Scott at the Oregonian. Thanks Scott for allowing me to use your article!

By Scott Learn, The Oregonian

October 08, 2009, 5:44PM
crab.jpgView full sizeDungeness crabs washed ashore at Cape Perpetua as the ocean off Oregon experienced "dead zone" conditions in the summer of 2004. Researchers said today such dead zones will likely occur every summer.

The waters off Oregon's coast experienced low-oxygen conditions for the eighth consecutive year in 2009, Oregon State University researchers said Thursday, an indication that late summer "hypoxic" conditions that can kill crabs and other sea creatures near the ocean floor are here to stay.

"We've been looking hard at this problem for eight years now, and each year we've seen hypoxia," said Jack Barth, an OSU oceanography professor. "I really think we're in a new pattern offshore here. I would expect hypoxia to show up to some degree every year now."

The increase in persistent, strong winds and in ocean surface temperatures that are helping drive the phenomenon are consistent with changes predicted by climate change models, Barth said, meaning the problem could worsen if global warming projections pan out.

This summer, the winds that fuel annual upwelling died down in August and September, when oxygen levels are usually lowest. That allowed Oregon to avoid the severe hypoxia and significant biological "dead zones" that appeared in force in 2006, OSU researchers said.

But it was a close call in some spots: In early August, the oxygen level got as low as 0.5 milliliters per liter off Newport and Cape Perpetua, which is at the cusp of being classified as "severe," before the winds eased and oxygen levels rose. Crabs, anemones, sea stars, sea cucumbers and other creatures can die off when oxygen levels get too low.

The hypoxia area near the ocean floor, stretching from Oregon into Washington, was about average in size and duration in comparison with recent years, the researchers said.

It was less severe than 2006, when strong and steady winds led to zero-oxygen, or "anoxic" conditions, and caused alarming die-offs of crabs and other creatures, Barth said.

The low-oxygen areas are typically labeled "dead zones." But Barth and Francis Chan, a senior research professor in OSU's Department of Zoology, said that's an oversimplification. Ocean monitoring has increased dramatically with the help of crabbers and fishermen, but not enough to determine changes in ocean life beyond limited areas.

Creatures closer to the surface and those adapted to lower oxygen levels aren't as vulnerable. Some can escape to higher oxygen areas; crabbing in more oxygenated bays was "phenomenal" in 2006, Chan said, as many crabs appeared to take refuge there. Some densely populated reefs also appear to fare better than others.

But the steady rise of low-oxygen waters in the summer does appear to have decimated sea cucumber populations on the most severely affected reefs, the researchers said. It's also a significant change in how nature operates near the coast.

"We can't prove that it's a disaster right now, but we're affecting a lot of pieces of the marine food web," Barth said. "It comes down to how big (the change is), how severe and how long-lasting."

Unlike hypoxic areas in the Gulf of Mexico and along the East Coast, which are caused by agricultural runoff and pollution, the low-oxygen waters off Oregon are triggered by summertime upwelling -- the wind-driven mixing of cold, nutrient-rich deep water with surface waters.

The upwelling generates large phytoplankton blooms. As the plankton dies, it sinks to the bottom and decomposes, lowering the oxygen level of the water just off the seafloor.

Summertime upwelling is normal off the coast. But Chan said ocean oxygen records dating to the 1950s indicate the low oxygen levels off Oregon's coast since 2002 are "unprecedented."

In the past, winds would blow at the coast for a week or so, then settle down, Barth said, easing the upwelling and allowing low-oxygen waters to be washed away. Now strong winds may last 20 to 30 days.

Climate change is likely playing a role already, Barth said. Warmer ocean surface temperatures in the North Pacific are decreasing the amount of oxygen descending to the same deep ocean waters that well up in the summer. That pattern seems clearly tied to climate change, he said.

It's less clear if the stronger, more persistent winds in recent years are tied to climate change, Barth said. But global warming models predict more winds off Oregon's coast if temperatures rise. Warming would increase the temperature differential between land and ocean, he said, a key driver of wind.

That would mean more windy and cold summer days at the beach, Barth said, as the strong winds blow across summertime's cooler coastal waters.

"You'll notice it," he said. "You won't be able to wear your shorts."

-- Scott Learn

Symposium to Address Sea Level Rise in Southwest Florida

Pretty interesting stuff, more-so in just how its going to effect our watershed in the now and future... the full conference agenda is available at and it can also be viewed online at . Quick overview and if you want in depth details go to the Mote Marine site....

If Floridians are going to withstand the rise in sea level that is expected to accompany climate change, planning needs to start now, according to a new policy assessment by the Marine Policy Institute at Mote Marine Laboratory.

According to the report "Policy Tools for Local Adaptation to Sea Level Rise" by Barbara Lausche, Deputy Director of the Marine Policy Institute, scientists project that sea level may rise as much as 14 inches by 2080, and possibly by two feet or more by the end of this century because of greenhouse gas emissions and melting glaciers. While policies are being implemented that are designed to reduce future greenhouse gas emissions, Floridians aren't yet making plans to deal with the changes expected to occur and already under way because of past emissions. (Download the full report or a synopsis of the report at

To jumpstart community discussion about climate change and how the expected sea level rise will affect Florida, the Marine Policy Institute is convening a two-day symposium for lawmakers, community planners and residents on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 12-13. The symposium will be streamed live online on Sarasota County's website at by Access Sarasota, Sarasota County's public access station. Streaming will begin at 8:30 a.m. and run throughout the presentations each day.

The symposium, "Land-Sea Interactions in Southwest Florida," will present an overview of the land-use issues that Southwest Florida is expected to face due to sea-level rise, and economic growth, along with a discussion of the policy tools that local governments can use to address these issues. Most of these policy tools are already in place and do not require major legislative changes before local governments can begin taking action.

"Sea level rise is expected to have significant impacts on places like Southwest Florida, but as a region, we're not yet planning for the impacts," said Dr. Frank Alcock, Director of the Marine Policy Institute at Mote and Associate Professor of Political Science at New College of Florida. "In order for Southwest Florida to be resilient in the face of sea level rise, we really do need to begin addressing the challenges associated with figuring out where to put utilities, houses and businesses. These are all decisions that are made on the local level, so it's very important for us to begin thinking and talking about these things now."

The symposium is sponsored by the Marine Policy Institute at Mote Marine Laboratory, New College of Florida, the Gulf Coast Community Foundation of Venice, Sarasota County, Schroeder-Manatee Ranch, the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program, USF-Sarasota/Manatee Institute for Public Policy and Leadership, Collins Center for Public Policy, the Economic Development Corporation of Sarasota County and the City of Sarasota

Biologists ask anglers to report tagged largemouth bass

Biologists with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) Fish and Wildlife Research Institute and the University of Florida need assistance with a statewide largemouth bass research study. This year-long project is an interactive way for the public to help biologists obtain critical information necessary to manage the largemouth bass fishery for quality and trophy-sized fish.
From this study, biologists hope to learn how frequently bass are caught and harvested. They also hope to learn more about the size range of fish caught.
Beginning this month, biologists are tagging largemouth bass with small, yellow tags along the back of the fish just below the dorsal fin. These tags carry a printed telephone number, e-mail address, tag number and reward value. Anglers should carefully examine all bass caught in Florida lakes for reward tags, as biologists will tag fish in numerous lakes throughout the state.
Biologists encourage anglers to remove these tags by cutting them as close to the fish as possible and then treat the fish as they would normally. Once anglers remove a tag, they should immediately report it to the FWC Angler Tag Return Hotline at 800-367-4461 or e-mail
Anglers participating in the study will receive a reward for each largemouth bass tag they return to the FWC. When reporting the tag, anglers should provide the following information: the species of fish, tag number, fish length, date and time of capture, name of the lake where the fish was caught, and whether the angler kept or released the fish.
Anglers should mail the tags to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Attn: LMB Tagging Study, 601 W. Woodward Ave., Eustis, FL, 32726.
To learn more about FWC research projects, visit
To view this press release online visit

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 12-18, 2009 Sarasota County Watershed Awareness Week

Check out the upcoming events list on agenda, lots going on in our community. To create public awareness about the importance of watersheds, the Science and Environment Council (SEC), working with the Sarasota County Commission, has declared October 12-18, 2009 as Watershed Awareness Week. Check the schedule of exciting events and activities at SEC member locations and make your plans to participate, help us celebrate the water resources that define our community. Find the week of fun and informative activities being held at local sites here:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Seagrass Survey Program Has Won 3 Awards!

Two notable awards from the National Association of Counties:

an Achievement Award honoring its unique and effective program; and a Best of Category Award, which marks it as a model program for outstanding and creative work.

In addition to these two awards the Environmental Protection Agency’s Gulf of Mexico Program honored the SEA Team with a Gulf Guardian Award for finding innovative solutions to improve the environmental health of the Gulf, in concert with economic development.

Baird Calls for Task Force to Study Northwest Dead Zones

Baird Calls for Task Force to Study Northwest Dead Zones (Sept. 30, 2009)PDFPrintE-mail

Washington, D.C.- Today, the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee chaired by Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA-03) approved legislation he wrote that would create a task force to study the causes of, and solutions to the problems created by harmful algal blooms (HABs) and dead zones off the Northwest Coast. The bill will also reauthorize a similar task force in the Gulf of Mexico, and designate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as the lead agency in combating these problems.

"Our oceans are dying right before our eyes," said Congressman Baird, "Fifty percent of the air we breathe, or every other breath we take, comes from oxygen created by the ocean. Dead zones and HABs present a terrifying problem that could prove catastrophic to the Northwest economy, and our personal health."

A HAB is rapid overproduction of algal cells that produces toxins which are detrimental to plants and animals. These outbreaks are commonly referred to as "red" or "brown" tides. Blooms potentially kill fish and other aquatic life by decreasing sunlight available to the water and by using up the available oxygen in the water, which results then in a hypoxia (severe oxygen depletion) event. These produced toxins accumulate in shellfish, fish, or through the accumulation of biomass that in turn affect other organisms and alter food webs. These toxins can be passed on to humans when consumed, potentially causing illness or death.

A hypoxic dead zones is recurring off the Pacific Coast. Another is found annually in Hood Canal where algal mats suffocate everything from shrimp to lingcod. This lack of oxygen can kill everything in the water, and be lethal to the jobs that depend on the aquaculture industry.

"The shellfish industry is a vital part of the economy of Southwest Washington," said Congressman Baird. "But this is also a worldwide problem. The combination of these conditions, with increasingly acidic waters affects billions of people who depend on the ocean to put food on the table or money in their pocket."

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Florida students team with federal, state agencies to study coral reefs

Tampa Bay area students will work hand in hand this summer with scientists
from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to attempt to
document the spawning of staghorn coral in the Florida Keys National
Marine Sanctuary. Students with SCUBAnauts International, a youth
education organization, will be in Key Largo Aug. 7-11 to help biologists
better understand this species’ reproduction.

Staghorn coral is classified as a federally threatened species. Although
scientists have never documented the spawning of staghorn coral in the
Florida Keys, they can determine the approximate time of the spawning,
based on the behavior of related coral species. Staghorn coral spawn only
once a year. The spawning activity is brief, lasting only for about 15
minutes in one evening, making it a challenge to observe.

During their trip, the students will make several dives each night until
the spawning occurs. With the help of FWC and NOAA scientists, SCUBAnauts
students will scientifically document the event and collect sperm and eggs
released by spawning corals. NOAA will use the sample to promote new coral
growth and assist in recovering the species.

“We selected 25 of our most advanced kids, because we know they can handle
the rigors of repetitive night-diving and perform the science tasks
required to successfully complete this research project,” said Dr. David
Palandro, an FWC research scientist who volunteers as Chief Scientist for
SCUBAnauts International. “We hope this project will foster continued
collaboration between the FWC, NOAA, and the SCUBAnauts.”

SCUBAnauts International is a nonprofit organization committed to
educating 12- to 18-year-old students about the marine environment.
Professional scientists and divers train SCUBAnauts students to meet the
same qualifications as professional science divers. This training includes
CPR, first aid, rescue diver training, oxygen administration and other

SCUBAnauts students have performed scientific dives in Hawaii, the
Bahamas, Tampa Bay, the Gulf of Mexico, the Florida Keys and other
locations. This summer, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
recognized the organization for its volunteer and environmental work at
the Capitol Hill Ocean Week awards dinner in Washington, D.C. Last year,
while in Washington for the same event, White House staff invited the
students to meet with first lady Laura Bush.

For information about SCUBAnauts, visit More
information on coral reef research is available at or

To view this press release online visit

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2nd Annual Sarasota Bay Great Scallop Search - August 8th

If you can make it out Saturday at 8:30 a.m. this Sarasota Bay Watch event is a lot of fun!

Please feel free to pass along to anyone who maybe interested.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

this weeks Red Tide update

No water samples have been received this week from the east coast of Florida or northwest Florida.

In southwest Florida, Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected alongshore of Hillsborough, Sarasota, Charlotte and Lee counties.

Sampling will continue this week, and complete results will be available in the next scheduled status report on Friday, August 7.

Visit Florida Red Tide Current Status and select the statewide summary or a region of interest for more information and sampling details.

FWC asks anglers to help gather reef fish data

Go to and click on “Newsroom.”

FWC asks anglers to help gather reef fish data

Biologists with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) request angler assistance with
a research project focusing on red snapper and other reef fish on Florida’s
Gulf Coast. This project will provide fisheries researchers and managers
with much of the catch-and-release survival information they need for
assessing reef fish stocks.

Reef fish include a variety of snapper and grouper species commonly
targeted by recreational anglers. Anglers can contribute to reef fish
research by participating in angler surveys. They also can help by
reporting tagged fish to the Angler Tag Return Hotline at 800-367-4461.

As part of the research, FWRI biologists will approach anglers at public
areas such as boat ramps, fishing piers and marinas to request
participation. These biologists will distribute survey cards designed to
collect detailed information on fishing trips in the Gulf of Mexico. This
information includes where red snapper are caught and released, the type
of equipment used and the condition of the fish when released.

Anglers can also e-mail their name and address to to
obtain a postage-paid survey card in the mail. Downloadable data sheets
are also available on the FWRI Web site at

Additionally, each month FWRI will mail surveys to a random sample of
licensed saltwater anglers. These surveys focus on the habits of anglers
who target reef fish. Survey questions include when and how often anglers
fish, as well as the type and number of fish they harvest or release.
Biologists request that anglers respond to the survey, even if they are
not fishing for reef fish.

FWRI biologists are tagging and releasing reef fish back into the wild to
evaluate the survival of released fish. For this project, biologists are
placing an orange tag near the dorsal fin of the fish. Each tag has a
unique number printed on the side. When anglers catch a fish with one of
these tags, they should call the Angler Tag Return Hotline. Biologists
would like to know the species of fish, tag number, date and time of
capture, where the fish was caught, fish length, type of bait used and
whether the fish was kept or released. If the fish is released, anglers
should leave the tag in the fish so biologists can continue to collect
data. Receiving this information is important for the success of this

Anglers will receive a token of appreciation for participating in this
study. For more information on reef fish research, visit

To view this press release online visit

Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31st Red Tide status


Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Brevard and Indian River counties or offshore of Palm Beach County.


Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Okaloosa, Franklin and Wakulla counties or offshore of Okaloosa and Wakulla counties. Counts from samples collected inside of St. Joe Bay (Gulf County), in response to a report of discolored water, ranged from not present to very low.


Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore between Pinellas and Collier counties or offshore of Monroe County. Discolored water in Tampa Bay (extending from the Gandy Bridge to Oldsmar) is due to an on-going bloom of the dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense. No impacts have been reported from this bloom.

Visit Florida Red Tide Current Status and select the statewide summary or a region of interest for more information and sampling details.

from the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute!

We hope you enjoy the new articles and updates added to the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute's Web site in July.


Florida's Whooping Cranes
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute biologists are partners in two multi-agency efforts to re-establish whooping cranes to the eastern United States.

FWC Initiates New Studies of Recreational Reef Fish Fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico
FWC initiates new studies on recreational fisheries for reef fish, including red snapper, grouper, and other species. Learn about opportunities for recreational anglers to contribute to this important research.

GAME Project Publications
Listing of peer reviewed publications for the GAME Project.

Interview with a Scientist
Take a glimpse into the life of a scientist. Our featured researcher for this quarter is Bill Sargent.

Resource Guide for Public Health Response to Harmful Algal Blooms in Florida
Based on recommendations from the FHABTF Public Health Technical Panel, this technical report updates and expands on the 1999 “White Paper.” It provides information for managers to develop localized public health response plans to HABs.

Southeastern American Kestrel
The Southeastern American Kestrel (Falco sparverius paulus) is a non-migratory subspecies of kestrel found in open pine savannahs, sandhills, prairies, and pastures in Florida and the southeastern United States. It is listed as threatened in Florida due to a decline in nesting and foraging habitat. Learn how biologists are using nest box programs to increase populations of this rare bird.

Press Release and News Announcement

Biologists see spawning fish in Marine Protected Area
Released July 27, 2009

Public health resource guide on harmful algal blooms now available
Released July 7, 2009


Anchor modification for a foot-hold snare to capture American black bears

Effect of traffic volume on American black bears in central Florida, USA


Commercial Fisheries Landings in Florida
Download Florida landings data for all commercially harvested finfish and invertebrate species.

Event Calendar
Are you interested in regional events that involve the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute? Check our regularly updated calendar of events for activities to enjoy.

Fish Kill Database Directory
Search the fish kill database for records of fish kills and fish abnormalities reported in Florida as far back as 1972, when the first fish kill was reported to FWRI.

Internship Opportunities
Read about internship opportunities with the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute.

Manatee Mortality
Search a summary manatee mortality database for information by county, cause of death, and date.

Red Tide Current Status Statewide Information
This summary report of current red tide conditions around Florida includes a map of sampling results and regional status reports. Reports are generally updated on Friday afternoon. Additional information, if available, is provided on Tuesday afternoon.

Red Tide Offshore Monitoring Program
Volunteers collect water samples to help Fish and Wildlife Research Institute scientists monitor red tides in Florida waters. Learn about the Red Tide Offshore Monitoring Program and how to become a volunteer.

Whooping Crane
Learn how biologists have joined other agencies to re-introduce whooping cranes in Florida. Report whooping crane sightings.

Red Tide update from FWC

In northwest Florida, Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected alongshore or offshore of Wakulla County.

On the east coast of Florida, Karenia brevis was not detected in a water sample collected alongshore of Brevard County.

In southwest Florida, Karenia brevis was not detected in water samples collected alongshore of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Sarasota and Collier counties.

Sampling will continue this week, and complete results will be available in the next scheduled status report on Friday, July 31.

Visit Florida Red Tide Current Status and select the statewide summary or a region of interest for more information and sampling details.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

hike on the beach as the sun went down. The tide was low and I was amazed by the number of turtle nests, in fact the largest number I can remember in a very long time. Great to see and I wonder why so prolific this year? Are the measures that have been taken beginning to work?
Red tide update from:
No water samples have been received this week from northwest Florida.

On the east coast of Florida, no Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was detected in a water sample collected alongshore of Martin County.

In southwest Florida, no Karenia brevis was detected in water samples collected alongshore of Sarasota and Collier counties or offshore of Monroe County.

Sampling will continue this week, and complete results will be available in the next scheduled status report on Friday, July 24.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Red Tide status is still looking good and I would think partly to the lack of rain. If anyone would like this information directly just go to the FWC link below....
Weekly Red Tide report from FWC.


No Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was detected this week in water samples collected alongshore of Brevard, Indian River and St. Lucie counties or offshore of St. Lucie and Martin counties.


No Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was detected this week in water samples collected offshore of Franklin, Taylor, Levy and Hernando counties. Counts from samples collected inside of St. Joe Bay (Gulf County) ranged from not present to very low a.


No Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was detected this week in water samples collected alongshore between Pinellas and Monroe counties or offshore of Sarasota and Monroe counties. One sample collected offshore of Pinellas County contained background levels of K. brevis. Discolored water in Tampa Bay (extending from the Gandy Bridge to Oldsmar) is due to a bloom of the dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense. No impacts have been reported from this bloom.

Visit Florida Red Tide Current Status and select the statewide summary or a region of interest for more information and sampling details

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Here's one for the Green Blob. A really good use for it... :)

Recovery Act Announcement: DOE Announces Recovery Act Funding of up to $85 million for Algal and Advanced Biofuels

July 16, 2009

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced the availability of up to $85 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the development of algae-based biofuels and advanced, infrastructure-compatible biofuels. DOE is seeking to bring together leading scientists and engineers from universities, private industry, and government to develop new methods to bring new biofuels to market in an accelerated timeframe.

Full story

This service is provided to you at no charge by DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). Visit the Web site at

Yes on the double glazing at least to some degree. Sliders are prohibitively expensive and we have good 2' overhangs that shade the windows too. So we are only going to do the ones that leak air, reduce noise or are beyond any help! These will also meet the new Federal requirement for efficiency, so hopefully some rebate :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Water clarity much improved

Early morning Paddle-board. The water clarity has improved considerably and is very clear, I guess the current is running south. I'll have to check. Some drift algae.

Monday, July 13, 2009

NM Cool Today had their video team by for a testimonial on our new Carrier 18.2 SEER A/C with heat exchange for the hot water. And the production was pretty interesting too.
Main point though was the reduction of our energy usage despite the hotter weather! We haven't even broken the $100 mark yet and last month were we in the $60's! Not bad for a 1991 house with just under 2000 sq ft, mostly vaulted ceilings, no dual pane windows either and plenty of sliders!!
Other points were the dramatic reduction of noise (saved having to replace the windows in the guest room :)), no hot or cool spots and a much more comfortable even temperature. 80 degrees and low 55% humidity for the day and 79 degrees at night... our Nirvana. For the future though it brings the opportunity of 'getting off grid' much closer and investing in our roof. :)