Saturday, April 30, 2011

Red Tide, SW Coast update

Southwest Coast
Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Manatee, Charlotte, Lee and Collier counties or offshore of the Florida Keys (Monroe County).  One sample (out of 27 total samples) collected alongshore of Sarasota County contained background concentrations of K. brevis.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Digital Ad Revenue surpasses Newspapers

No real surprise here and it amounts to a 24% jump.

The article report... Digital Ad Revenue Soars In 2010, Surpasses Newspapers
Internet-based advertising revenue increased 15% in the United States in 2010, surpassing newspaper advertising revenue for the first time, according to The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). The bureau's annual report, prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and released last week, revealed that online advertising climbed to $26 billion – about $3.2 billion more than newspaper ads.

"Brand advertisers and marketers have adopted the power of digital media as a central element of their campaigns," IAB President and CEO Randall Rothenberg said in a statement. "Consumers have shifted more of their time to digital media – watching television shows and movies online – and advertisers now accept this multifaceted medium as a key component for reaching their targets." That may be, but television still remained king of the advertising roost, registering $28.6 billion in revenue in 2010.

Media buyers spent most of their Internet ad dollars on search advertising, which accounted for 46% of online spending. While search advertising revenue was up 12% compared to 2009, the percentage of revenue coming from search essentially remained flat. The fastest-growing segment of Internet advertising was sponsorships, which soared 88% over the year before and 142% in the fourth quarter alone. Last year's Internet ad revenue growth was also propelled by a 24% jump in display advertising, including display banner ads, rich media, digital video and sponsorships. For the first time, the IAB report included the growing mobile advertising market, which was estimated at between $550 million and $650 million in 2010

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Come Clean... Beach Clean up time in September.

Working on a project to bring corporate "willing" volunteers to the Beach clean up, so with some google research of course, I found the info. I never realized though the size of the event, so "I'm in".
On this same subject once being in the Merchant Navy I never could get over the amount of trash I used to see even in the middle of the Atlantic and that was in the '70's and 80's.

Trial campaign... Solar PV campaign

We recently tested out this Solar Thermometer for an A/C and PV distributor for consumer response and feedback. Apparently very well received (I don't have the analytics yet though!) we're are considering ramping this up next time around with QR and mobile app/landing page trying out some segmentation.

Here's the blurb on the product:

Harness the power of the sun with this compact, eco-friendly Solar Powered Thermometer. Versatile for most climates, it can read both degrees C and F ranging from -13F to 139.5F. It records daily high and low temperatures, and has temperature trend up/down indicators. Plus, a suction cup on the back means that this tiny thermometer is perfect for your car, home, office, and MORE!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"How America is going Green" from

How "Green" is America going? There's been a quite a few differing reports but the one I just read from Amazon I would believe to be one of the most accurate. The Graphic stats give a good overview on a good variety of consumer purchases "Green" product purchases of "Water Conservation", "Energy Savings" "Garden-to-Table", "Green Toy and Baby", and books on the environment.

Our latest home energy test in another few weeks (2 FPL in years past) inclusive of infrared and then an install of circuit energy monitoring all viewable online. I'll give everyone some feedback as I see the results roll in... We think we're pretty "Green" already, so another level up and outlays down? Fingers crossed!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Red Tide, results of 10 year study

The results of a 10 year study of Red Tide can be found at this link to Mote Marine. Interestingly though, years ago we were being told it DIDN'T affect our health and I know by my own personal (and many others) experience it was just not the case. Ear infections and a lower tolerance when Red Tide was in full bloom. The study shows there are 12 different types of toxins alone. This report makes an insightful read.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Red Tide, Karenia latest report

FWC midweek report....

No samples have been collected so far this week in northwest Florida or on the east coast of Florida.

In southwest Florida, Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Pinellas County. Two samples (out of 8 total samples) collected offshore of Bunces Pass (Pinellas County) contained background concentrations of K. brevis.

Sampling will continue this week, and complete results will be available in the next scheduled status report on Friday, April 22.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Native Plants Planting Time

Taking what we've learnt from previous lessons in years past 15 more lakes are being planted with more select native plants today. The most heartening thing I heard today was the demand for this work which means the majority of people "get it"!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Red Tide report 4.12.11

In southwest FloridaKarenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week offshore of the Florida Keys (Monroe County).  Two samples (out of 18 total samples) collected alongshore of Sarasota County contained background to very low concentrations of K. brevis.

QR codes and some good reasons to use them

and you can get as creative as you want with the campaigns and landing pages! Article for the main reasons to do  QR

Shortages in Waste Plastic?

It seems waste plastic is becoming a valued commodity according to this UK article

Social Media for the construction industry Dirt Talk - Site Prep

A good blog on 6 good reasons that Construction Companies should be using Social Media and start the Lifecycle of Engagement Dirt Talk - Site Prep

A more than worthwhile workshop... Energy Efficient Home Series

I nearly passed going to an excellent workshop kicking off the series "Energy Efficient Home" in Sarasota (well hey, the wind was blowing and the minimal surf was building) I left armed with even more information to help reduce our home energy costs and it was also an affirmation of the work we've completed over the years. The kit we we're given to implement was pretty darn good too.
DwellGreen. It looks as though I'll have the opportunity too have a Circuit Specific E Monitor installed along with a thorough Energy test. Assuming this goes forward I'll relay on an ongoing basis just how effective this program has been and what I've tweaked in the process.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sierra Club... we need your help on nutrient impaired waters

Florida Water Quality Alert
HB 457– Fertilizer

Please call members of the House State Affairs Committee before 5 p.m. on Wednesday (4/6) and urge them to vote against this bad preemption bill. 

HB 457 will be heard in the House State Affairs Committee this Thursday at 8 a.m.

There will be a new amended bill (one was released today but was almost immediately pulled back) but it will not be released until 6 p.m. on Wednesday!  That means we will not have a chance to respond to it before the committee meeting on Thursday.  We expect some kind of grandfathering in the amended bill.

Here are some new talking points (more talking points at end of email):

  1. A grandfather clause to protect existing ordinances:

    1. Does not help Manatee, Martin, Brevard, Collier and other counties/municipalities, including Punta Gorda and Marco Island, that have nutrient impaired waters and are currently drafting ordnances that are in line with the other regional (stronger) ordinances;
    2. Is contrary to the Consumer Fertilizer Task Force recommendations;
    3. Is contrary to the Mote Marine Policy Institute recommendations (2007 Red Tide Assessment); and
    4. Leaves the majority of the state, including those communities with nutrient impaired waters, with less than protective standards.
    5. For Representative Trudi Williams:  Williams made it clear she is against preemption in her published guest editorial last weekend – the arguments she made in that opinion would also pertain to preemption for those communities that have yet to adopt an ordinance.

Remember to mention imperiled water bodies found in members’ districts (and how fertilizer management is the cheapest way to restore/protect them) – that would be very helpful.

Eat local week starts Friday April 15 - Saturday, April 23

Go to this siteGreater Sarasota's first annual EAT LOCAL! Week is a celebration of the farmers and gardeners, chefs and restaurateurs, artisans and grocers, educators and publishers, advocates and organizers that are creating a renaissance of local food here in Sarasota and beyond! 

"Fertilize like a Floridian"... Flock of Pink Flamingoes landing in St Pete

I hope these guys are bio degradable!
A flock of 50 plastic pink flamingos will land in front of St. Petersburg City Hall on Thursday morning to urge city residents to “Fertilize Like a Floridian” to protect our lakes, bays and the Gulf of Mexico – our major source of fun!

The flamingos are ambassadors for the “Be Floridian” fertilizer education campaign sponsored by the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, Pinellas County and the cities of St Petersburg and Clearwater. Be Floridian launches this week with billboards throughout the county; print and digital ads; materials in stores that sell fertilizer; a website ( and a Facebook page.

The flock will fly to City Hall on Thursday to support Pinellas County’s residential fertilizer ordinance. At its 8:30 a.m. meeting Thursday, the St. Petersburg City Council will consider a resolution opposing an effort in the Florida Legislature to prevent local governments from enacting fertilizer restrictions like those adopted by St. Petersburg, Pinellas County and 37 other communities in Florida. 

The plastic flock will remain at City Hall until noon Thursday. They will be at the Pinellas County Courthouse in Clearwater on April 12, and will fly to various locations throughout the county in the next few months to reinforce their message that True Floridians never fertilize in the summer.

Pinellas County’s fertilizer ordinance – which applies throughout the county -- bans use or sale of lawn and landscape fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorous from June-September. That’s because heavy summer rains can wash the fertilizer granules into lakes, Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, spoiling the very reasons people move to Florida in the first place.

Outside the summer months, the ordinance requires the use and sale of fertilizers containing at least 50% of the nitrogen in a slow-release form so it feeds lawn and plants gradually with less runoff.

The “Be Floridian” campaign urges residents to design a Florida Yard that needs less water, care and chemicals, and connects people with resources to help them achieve that goal.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Red Tide report. Sarasota and Charlotte County sample background of K. Brevis

East Coast
Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week offshore of Martin County.
Northwest Coast
Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week inshore of Okaloosa and Bay counties or offshore of Okaloosa and Hernando counties.
Southwest Coast
Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Manatee, Lee and Collier counties or offshore of the Florida Keys (Monroe County). Five samples collected alongshore of Sarasota County (out of 25 total samples) contained background to very low concentrations of K. brevis and one sample collected inshore of Charlotte County contained background concentrations of K. brevis.