Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2011 Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategies for 2011 for attracting new customers are shown above , not shown though is the ability to use metrics in most cases to track the effectiveness and of course "conversions"
Graphic source emarketer.com

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


No samples have been collected so far this week in northwest Florida.
On the east coast of Florida, Karenia brevis was not detected in water samples collected this week in the Indian River Lagoon (Brevard County).
In southwest Florida, Karenia brevis was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Sarasota and Collier counties or in Charlotte Harbor (Charlotte and Lee counties).
Sampling will continue this week, and complete results will be available in the next scheduled status report on Friday, December 10.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Red Tide update for SW Florida

Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Charlotte, Lee and Collier counties or offshore of Sarasota and Collier counties and the Florida Keys (Monroe County).  Two samples (out of 28 total samples) collected alongshore of Sarasota County contained background concentrations of K. brevis and one sample collected alongshore of Manatee County contained very low concentrations of K. brevis.
FWRI is currently conducting a research cruise offshore of southwest Florida with data reported daily from the field. Only one sample collected offshore of Lee County has contained background concentrations of K. brevis (out of over 90 samples collected since Friday 10/15).
Discolored water with associated fish kills and a foul odor were reported this week in the area of Ft. Myers Beach south to Starling Avenue (Lee County) and is due to a bloom of the non-toxic dinoflagellate Peridinium quinquecorne

Corporate Blogging Goes Mainstream

eMarketer....Blogging has been around for well over a decade—an eternity in internet time. Whereas blogs used to be a thorn in the side of traditional journalism, today they’re an essential ingredient in the media mix. Hardly a news organization exists that does not have a blog where its journalists post updates to breaking stories, offer personal commentary and engage in a dialogue with readers and viewers.
Similarly, blogging has grown into a vital marketing tool for all types of companies, including Fortune 500 marketers and mom-and-pop retailers. eMarketer estimates that 34% of US companies will use a blog for marketing purposes this year, a proportion that will continue to grow to 43% by 2012.
“Businesses are increasingly using the blogosphere to further a variety of corporate functions, such as communications, lead generation, customer service and brand marketing,” said Paul Verna, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report “Corporate Blogging: Media and Marketing Firms Drive Growth.”

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Red Tide update... still in the clear

On the east coast of Florida, Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected so far this week in the Indian River Lagoon (Brevard County).
In northwest Florida, Karenia brevis was not detected in a water sample collected this week in East Bay (Bay County).
In southwest Florida, Karenia brevis was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Sarasota and Collier counties.
Sampling will continue this week, and complete results will be available in the next scheduled status report on Friday, October 8.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Restoring Upland Habitat

The FWC is the lead manager of approximately 1.4 million acres of land that are part of the FWC's Wildlife Management Area system. Within the system are large patches of formerly agricultural and pasture lands. On many of these lands, the native plants were replaced by exotic grasses, such as bahiagrass and bermudagrass, which provided feed for cattle.
Around the state, FWRI Habitat Research biologists are working at 24 individual locations to restore the historic native flatwoods communities that covered these areas prior to human alteration. Biologists prepare the site for reseeding by removing exotic grasses and preparing the soil for planting. To collect the native seeds, researchers visit other Florida flatwoods communities and use a specialized piece of equipment called a Woodward Flail-Vac™ to remove seeds from the plants. Back at the restoration site, researchers use a Grasslander Seeder™ pulled behind a tractor to deposit the seeds into the soil.
By eliminating the exotic groundcover and replacing it with a functional native groundcover that is typical of a flatwoods ecosystem, researchers hope to enhance wildlife habitat and ecosystem functions. Habitat Research staff members will monitor each site for five years in order to track changes in the plant community and to evaluate the site with respect to the restoration objectives.

Florida sea turtles have productive 2010 nesting season

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), all three species of sea turtles that nest regularly on the state’s beaches had annual nest counts well above average for the previous 10 years.

This news is especially good for loggerhead sea turtles, which have experienced declines in nesting in recent years. Loggerheads, the species that most commonly nests in Florida, had nest counts that were 30 percent higher than the 10-year average.
“We’re encouraged by the high count, especially considering the oil spill and the extreme cold weather earlier in the year,” said Dr. Blair Witherington, an FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute scientist. “However, one good year can’t reverse a declining trend. It will take many years of data to determine if this is a new nesting trend – obviously one that we would like to see continue in the future.”
Nest numbers for leatherback and green sea turtles also continued to increase, with nests in 2010 totaling the second-highest since standardized counts began in 1989.  
Nest counts are performed each year through Florida’s Index Nesting Beach Survey, which was created to measure seasonal sea turtle nesting, and to allow for accurate comparisons among beaches and years. The standardized index counts take place on 248 miles of selected beaches along both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
In one of the largest wildlife counts in the nation, hundreds of partners diligently survey Florida’s Index Nesting Beaches throughout the summer sea turtle nesting season.
“It’s a big job that requires a dedicated group of nest-counting experts,” Witherington said. “It’s especially rewarding for those involved when the turtles make a good showing.”
FWC’s role in coordinating Florida’s sea turtle nest counts is funded by sales of the sea turtle license plate. For more information about sea turtles, including nesting information, visit MyFWC.com/SeaTurtle. Sick or injured sea turtles can be reported by contacting the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922).

Florida sea turtles have productive 2010 nesting season

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), all three species of sea turtles that nest regularly on the state’s beaches had annual nest counts well above average for the previous 10 years.

This news is especially good for loggerhead sea turtles, which have experienced declines in nesting in recent years. Loggerheads, the species that most commonly nests in Florida, had nest counts that were 30 percent higher than the 10-year average.
“We’re encouraged by the high count, especially considering the oil spill and the extreme cold weather earlier in the year,” said Dr. Blair Witherington, an FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute scientist. “However, one good year can’t reverse a declining trend. It will take many years of data to determine if this is a new nesting trend – obviously one that we would like to see continue in the future.”
Nest numbers for leatherback and green sea turtles also continued to increase, with nests in 2010 totaling the second-highest since standardized counts began in 1989.  
Nest counts are performed each year through Florida’s Index Nesting Beach Survey, which was created to measure seasonal sea turtle nesting, and to allow for accurate comparisons among beaches and years. The standardized index counts take place on 248 miles of selected beaches along both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
In one of the largest wildlife counts in the nation, hundreds of partners diligently survey Florida’s Index Nesting Beaches throughout the summer sea turtle nesting season.
“It’s a big job that requires a dedicated group of nest-counting experts,” Witherington said. “It’s especially rewarding for those involved when the turtles make a good showing.”
FWC’s role in coordinating Florida’s sea turtle nest counts is funded by sales of the sea turtle license plate. For more information about sea turtles, including nesting information, visit MyFWC.com/SeaTurtle. Sick or injured sea turtles can be reported by contacting the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922).

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Small Businesses change Social Media Expectations

Social media marketing adoption has begun to plateau among small businesses, about a quarter of which use the channel. Success in the space abounds, but companies have had to readjust some of their plans and goals

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Small Businesses Expect 2010 Growth

The majority of small business owners anticipate their 2010 revenues will exceed their 2009 sales, according to a new survey. The data, released by the Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute, shows 51% of small business owners believe their year-over-year sales will increase in 2010. A year ago, only 32% expected better sales in 2009 compared to 2008. "Many government officials and economists believe the nation's recovery from the recession depends on small businesses; thus it's heartening to see that small business owners have a positive outlook for [the rest of] 2010," said Mark Wolf, director of Guardian Life.
Within individual markets, data shows environmental companies (65%) and health care companies (60%) have the highest expectation for 2010 revenue increases. Conversely, hotels and restaurants (58%), retail companies (57%) and financial firms (57%) have the highest percentage of small business owners who expect 2010 sales to be the same or lower than 2009.Consistent with their optimism for sales growth, the survey also shows 45% of small business owners plan to expand their companies within the next two years. In addition, results show companies with 10 or more employees are most likely to expect growth in 2010. "As companies reach a critical mass of 10 or more employees, they gain a level of stability and resourcefulness that helps them succeed, even in tough times," said John Krubski, research advisor to Guardian Life.
The Institute's findings also show small business owners outperformed their own revenue estimates for 2009. Only 32% of those surveyed last year expected their 2009 revenues to be better than their 2008 sales. Yet, in evaluating their actual performance in 2009, 39% reported a revenue increase over 2008. "Our research indicates that small business owners are typically conservative in estimating the financial prospects for their companies, so this upbeat projection bodes well for the U.S. economy," said Wolf.

Consumers force Retailers to Adopt Social Strategy

Blogging continued Rise

Retargeting effective for brand lift

How to Energy use in offices.. advice from the EERE

Great Beach resource


Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mobile Devices a must for Millennials

Online Holiday Sales still look upbeat

NEW articles and updates added to the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute's Web site

New FWRI Publications for August
View a list of new FWRI publications added to our collection in August.

Regional Analysis of Florida's Gulf and Atlantic Stocks of Red Drum
This report includes an analysis of red drum within northern and southern regions on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of Florida.

Snook Cold Kill Report
This report presents a summary of the analyses conducted by FWC’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) to assess the impact of the 2010 cold kill event on Florida’s common snook populations.

Press Releases

FWC rescuing oil-impacted sea turtles with help from Gulf fishermen
Released August 6, 2010

Scientists release the first rescued, rehabilitated sea turtles back into the Gulf
Released August 18, 2010


Commercial Fisheries Landings in Florida
Download Florida landings data for all commercially harvested finfish and invertebrate species.

Event Calendar
Are you interested in regional events that involve the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute? Check our regularly updated calendar of events for activities to enjoy.

Fish Kill Database Directory
Search the fish kill database for records of fish kills and fish abnormalities reported in Florida as far back as 1972, when the first fish kill was reported to FWRI.

Manatee Mortality
Search a summary manatee mortality database for information by county, cause of death, and date.

Red Tide Current Status Statewide Information
This summary report of current red tide conditions around Florida includes a map of sampling results and regional status reports. Reports are generally updated on Friday afternoon. Additional information, if available, is provided on Tuesday afternoon.


Rescuing Oil-Impacted Turtles
FWRI researchers and commercial charter boat fishermen are teaming up to help rescue oil-impacted sea turtles in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Monday, August 30, 2010

iPad usage is shaping up

I now use my iPad 3G  more than 80% of the time. My Macbook Pro spends most of its time now hooked up to my Mac Monitor... the iPad has some terrific apps with the latest ones I use for my consulting being Time Master, GoodReader and Keynote

Red Tide update from FWC. Rain = Nutrient load = Karenia

Southwest Coast
Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore between Pinellas and Collier counties.  Additional samples collected late last week offshore of the Florida Keys (Monroe County) also contained no K. brevis. One sample collected alongshore and two samples collected offshore of Sarasota County late last week contained background concentrations of K. brevis.
Please note: The FWRI's Harmful Algae Bloom (HAB) group recently began using Google Earth maps. Each page on the Red Tide Current Status Web site will have a link to an interactive map where the user can zoom in and zoom out on different sections of the state, and click on a sample location for specific information including latitude and longitude, sample date, and cell concentration ranges.
In order to view this map, you must have Google Earth installed on your computer. The Google Earth software can be downloaded from the Google Earth Web site through the following link: (http://earth.google.com).
You can access this week’s Google Map through the following link: (http://research.myfwc.com/images/articles/9670/Red_Tide_Status_08.27.10.kmz).
This information is also available on our Web site: (http://research.myfwc.com/features/view_article.asp?id=9670). The Web site also provides links to additional information related to the topic of Florida red tide including satellite imagery, experimental red tide forecasts, shellfish harvesting areas, the FWC Fish Kill Hotline, the Aquatic Toxins Hotline (for information or to report human health effects), and other wildlife related hotlines:(http://research.myfwc.com/features/view_article.asp?id=9670#Links).

Friday, July 9, 2010

Latest Red Tide update

Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week inside of the Indian River Lagoon System (Brevard County). Samples collected late last week offshore of Palm Beach County also contained no K. brevis.

Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week offshore of Levy County.  Additional samples collected late last week offshore of Hernando County also contained no K. brevis.

Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Manatee, Charlotte, Lee and Collier counties or offshore of Lee and Collier counties.  One sample collected alongshore of Sarasota County (out of 24 total samples) contained background concentrations of K. brevis.

This information is also available on our Web site: (http://research.myfwc.com/features/view_article.asp?id=9670). The Web site also provides links to additional information related to the topic of Florida red tide including satellite imagery, experimental red tide forecasts, shellfish harvesting areas, the FWC Fish Kill Hotline, the Aquatic Toxins Hotline (for information or to report human health effects), and other wildlife related hotlines:  (http://research.myfwc.com/features/view_article.asp?id=9670#Links).

Monday, April 19, 2010

No Karenia Brevis in SW Florida this week

Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Brevard County.
Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore of Okaloosa and Walton counties or offshore of Levy and Citrus counties.
Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in water samples collected this week alongshore between Pinellas and Collier counties or offshore of Pinellas County.  Additional samples collected late last week south of Marathon in the Florida Keys (Monroe County) also contained no K. brevis
Visit (http://research.myfwc.com/features/category_sub.asp?id=4434) for the Florida Red Tide Current Status Report and select the statewide summary or a region of interest for more information and sampling details.
This information, along with tables and maps of sampling results, is also available on our Web site: (http://research.myfwc.com/features/view_article.asp?id=9670). The Web site also provides links to additional information related to the topic of Florida red tide including satellite imagery, experimental red tide forecasts, shellfish harvesting areas, the FWC Fish Kill Hotline, the Aquatic Toxins Hotline (for information or to report human health effects), and other wildlife related hotlines:  (http://research.myfwc.com/features/view_article.asp?id=9670#Links).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kill bill SB 382

We need to do all we can to kill SB 382 in its next committee stop, Senate Health Regulation, this coming Monday afternoon at 2:30 pm. 

SB 382 puts all of our work in the past 3 years to bring wise fertilizer management practices to Florida communities at risk.

This bill would put an end to the strong nutrient pollution prevention standards (seasonal application bans, deep buffer zones, fertilizer content and application limits) found in residential fertilizer ordinances across the state.

Please ask your friends and allies to make calls to the Health Regulation Committee members.  This is our message:

“Vote NO on SB 382!  Taxpayers across Florida agree that nutrient pollution prevention will save communities and consumers money.  The serious health threats from blue-green algae and red tide mean that communities must retain the right to protect their residents, especially children and older residents, by regulating the use of residential fertilizers.”

Senate Health Regulation Committee 2010

                                   District    District City     Capitol Phone       Email Address

Thad Altman                 24          Melbourne       (850) 487-5053      altman.thad.web@flsenate.gov
Michael 'Mike' Bennett  21          Bradenton       (850) 487-5078      bennett.mike.web@flsenate.gov          
Don Gaetz (Chair.)        4            Destin            (850) 487-5009      gaetz.don.web@flsenate.gov   
Andy Gardiner              9            Orlando          (850) 487-5047      gardiner.andy.web@flsenate.gov          
Dennis Jones             13          Seminole        (850) 487-5065      jones.dennis.web@flsenate.gov           
Alfred 'Al' Lawson Jr.     6            Tallahassee    (850) 487-5004      lawson.alfred.web@flsenate.gov          
Eleanor Sobel (V. Ch.)  31          Hollywood       (850) 487-5097      sobel.eleanor.web@flsenate.gov 

Supporters outnumber opponents at public hearing for new water quality standards


 — One after another, supporters of a federal proposal to tighten water quality standards in Florida stepped to the microphone to have their say Tuesday.
Linda Mattos brought more to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hearing at the Harborside Event Center in downtown Fort Myers.
Mattos, 62, plunked down a jar full of murky water, drawn from the Caloosahatchee River as it flowed past her riverfront home Tuesday morning, in front of two EPA officials sitting at a table on a stage in the front of the room.
“The people who are responsible aren’t going to do anything so they (the EPA) better,” she said. “Somebody’s got to do something.”
That something, the EPA says, are new numbers that would limit the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, such as in wastewater and fertilizer, in canals, streams and lakes.
The nutrients cause algae blooms that turn ecosystems into slicks of green that can poison water supplies, kill fish and sicken people.
Florida law is less specific, requiring only that nutrient levels not upset the natural balance of plants and animals in a waterway.
The EPA proposed the numeric nutrient standard in January as part of a lawsuit settlement with environmental groups, who said the state of Florida has moved too slowly to set its own limits.
The proposal has touched off a big debate: Backers say the new standards are needed to protect Florida’s environment and its economy, but agriculture and business groups say the measure will cost too much and is unscientific.
Among the 150 people at Tuesday afternoon’s hearing, opponents of the proposal were badly outnumbered.
Many recalled what they said were better days in Florida, when the water was cleaner, seagrass beds more dense and wading birds more plentiful.
Sportfisherman Jim Maguire said when he moved to Marco Island in 1999, the water beneath his dock teemed with pinfish and juvenile porgy and bream.
Now all he sees is the occasional mullet — if he’s lucky, he said.
“They’re gone now,” he said. “They’re absolutely gone.”
Some said they’ve even stopped fishing altogether.
“We’re not interested in eating slimed fish,” said Becky Ayech, president of the Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida.
Many in the crowd wore white baseball caps with green lettering spelling out “No Slime” and neon green or pink lapel stickers that said “End the Slime.”
Neon green placards bearing the same message and poster-sized photos of algae blooms and dead fish leaned against a wall outside the hearing room.
Inside, a handful of farmers and ranchers cast themselves as good stewards of the land, not polluters who need more regulation.
They pointed to best management practices, such as using slow-release fertilizer and changing their irrigation habits.
“We have made progress,” said John Alexander, chairman of Labelle-based agribusiness giant Alico Inc. “We are making progress. We understand the problem, and we’re committed to do even more.”
The EPA has set more hearings this week in Tampa and Jacksonville, following an earlier round of hearings in March.
A public comment period ends April 28. The settlement calls for the EPA to finalize the standards by October 2010.
Standards for downstream estuaries and coastal waters are due by October 2011.
Connect with Eric Staats at www.naplesnews.com/staff/eric_staats/      

They care what's in the water

By Chandra Broadwater, Times Staff Writer

Published Wednesday, April 14, 2010

TAMPA — Gus Muench routinely pulls pieces of plastic from his crab traps on the Little Manatee River. It's the kind farmers use to grow crops.
But it's what he doesn't see that makes him wonder, the Ruskin resident told U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials Wednesday.
"It's the things we don't see that turn the water green," he said.
Muench was among more than 100 people who spoke at one of two public hearings held by the EPA on proposed changes aimed at improving water quality in the state.
The EPA issued proposed standards in January after reaching a settlement with environmental groups who sued the federal government in 2008 for lax water regulations.
Many who spoke supported the stricter measures, which cap the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen levels in Florida's lakes, rivers, streams, springs and canals.
By limiting what are known as "nutrients," the federal rules would replace vague state guidelines governing waste and fertilizer runoff. The top five sources of nutrient pollution identified by the EPA are stormwater runoff, discharges from wastewater treatment, vehicle exhaust, livestock production and fertilizers used for row crop production.
Nutrient pollution is considered the most prevalent water pollution problem in the state. It causes algae blooms that kill fish, creates public health hazards and affects property values and tourism.
According to the EPA, more than 500 state waters are polluted by nutrients. That includes about 1,000 miles of rivers and streams, 350,000 acres of lakes and 900 square miles of estuaries.
As evidence, officials showed photos of waterways throughout Florida covered in bright green growths. Correcting such problems could cost polluters $1.2 billion to $1.5 billion.
Farmers who came to the meeting Wednesday said they feel like targets of increased regulations that make it difficult to stay in business.Sarasota rancher Todd Underhill said that stricter rules, such as the ones proposed by the EPA, squeeze family operations like his. "The temptation of do you stop farming or sell your land to a farming corporation or developer is always there," Underhill said. "This kind of pressure is causing shifts away from what we want."
It's easy to blame an industry rather than individuals in a subdivision who also are contributing to pollution, he said.
The agency will take written comments through April 28, and expects to complete new regulations by October.
Chandra Broadwater can be reached at cbroadwater@sptimes.com, or (813) 661-2454.

Federal clean-water fight comes to Jacksonville
A statewide dispute over planned federal water standards to fight algae blooms led both sides to a Jacksonville hotel Thursday for a final hearing on rules critics call a "water tax."
While people from businesses affected by the rules argued for changes or delays, environmental activists cheered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for acting on a subject the state studied for years without resolving.
"It is way past time to get on with these [rules]. ... They have drug their feet long enough," said Ben Williams, a seafood merchant from St. Johns County. He said algae levels, and the odor and health concerns connected with them, have helped drive some people away from buying locally caught fish.
As part of a lawsuit settlement, EPA agreed last year to set maximum levels of nitrogen and phosphorus allowed in Florida waterways. Both of those feed algae growth, a recurring concern for many people along the St. Johns River and other waterways.
The EPA levels would be numeric standards, which advocates said would be clearer and more useful than so-called "narrative" standards the state traditionally used. Those say nitrogen and phosphorous levels shouldn't be allowed to disrupt natural ecosystems.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection had been researching how to set numeric standards for several years when EPA said it was stepping in.
The federal agency proposed standards in January for freshwater lakes and streams and for South Florida canals. It will propose standards for river estuaries, such as the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, next year.
Opponents of the EPA standards say they're tougher than needed and will make farmers, water utilities and others waste money.
The actual cost of cleaner water remains a matter of debate and rhetoric. EPA estimates its proposal might increase costs by up to $140 million annually statewide.
But affected business groups that formed a group called Don't Tax Florida have circulated forecasts of costs topping $50 billion that they say would put the state at an economic disadvantage against places with looser rules.
Partly because of the volume of critics' resistance, EPA had already held hearings in five cities before coming to Jacksonville's Clarion Hotel Airport, where about 100 people came for the first of two sessions scheduled Thursday.
Some critics lamented that the state hadn't finished its own standards.
"I'm for rules. I'm just for the process that DEP was following," said Jack Frost Jr., a Lakeland-area fertilizer salesman.
But the state had a lot of time to act, said St. Johns Riverkeeper Neil Armingeon, whose group was part of the lawsuit that led to EPA's proposals.
"This is a significant problem that is not being address at the state level," he said.
"Every summer for the past five years, it has come to our community and diminished the quality of our life," Armingeon said, adding that last year algae blooms on the St. Johns started by early spring and lasted in some form until this winter's sustained cold snaps.
Jeb Smith, a fifth-generation farmer from Hastings, said he worried about costs his family would incur and said past efforts to balance stewardship with the bottom line "are proving to be wasted."
Ephraim King, the science and technology director at EPA's Office of Water, asked Smith to describe some of those costs in writing later this month so people in his agency could look into them.